North Yorkshire Council




18 June 2024


Review of Maximum Hackney Carriage Fares


Report of the Corporate Director of Environment




1.1       The purpose of this report is to consider varying the Council’s Hackney Carriage Table of Maximum Fares.



2.0       BACKGROUND


2.1       In accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, the Council may fix the maximum rates of fares to be paid in respect of the hire of hackney carriages within North Yorkshire by means of a table (hereafter referred to as a “table of maximum fares”). The table of maximum fares may comprise charges for time, distance and all other charges in connection with the hire of a hackney carriage vehicle.


2.2       A hackney carriage vehicle can be hailed by passengers on the roadside, it can stand on a rank to await the approach of passengers and it can be pre-booked by telephone. In contrast, private hire vehicles are licensed to perform pre-booked work only through a licensed private hire operator. The Council’s table of maximum fares applies only to hackney carriage vehicles. The Council has no power to set maximum fares in respect of private hire vehicles.


2.3       The current table of maximum fares came into effect in April 2023 and is attached at Appendix A. It should be noted that drivers may agree to charge a lower amount than the maximum fares at their own discretion.


2.4       Ahead of a preliminary consultation on fares undertaken in March 2024, the current table of maximum fares was compared against the maximum daytime, night-time and public holiday rates set by neighbouring authorities. The comparison charts are attached at Appendix B.


2.5       On 07 May 2024, the Executive considered the outcome of the preliminary consultation and subsequently approved the publication of statutory notices proposing a variation to the table of maximum fares as outlined in Appendix C. In summary, the proposal makes provision for:

·                A 5% increase on the running mile and waiting times in Tariff 1 (daytime rates)

·                Applying tariff 2 rates from 10pm to 7am (currently 11pm to 6am)

·                An increase from £1 per mile to £1.50 per mile on the maximum call-out charge

·                An increase from £1.50 per head to £2 per head for the carriage of 5 or more passengers subject to an additional requirement that the surcharge may only be applied where it has been agreed with passengers at the time of hiring.

·                The introduction of a new maximum surcharge of £50 (plus £50 per passenger assistant) to be applied to any hiring under the terms of a contract with North Yorkshire Council.


2.6       On 13 May 2024, the statutory notice was published in the Yorkshire Post inviting objections from any interested parties by 28 May 2024. A copy of the notice is attached at Appendix D. The notice was also displayed in Council offices around North Yorkshire. All licence holders were informed of the proposed variations and invited to lodge any objections by 28 May 2024.


2.7       A total of 30 responses have been received in relation to the proposed variation and these are attached at Appendix E. The objections have revealed a mixed response with some respondents suggesting that the fares are already too high, some requesting that the fares remain as they are at present and some suggesting that the proposed increase is inadequate.


2.8       For clarity, the proposed variations pertaining to any contract with North Yorkshire Council would not influence the value of the contract itself as that would remain a contractual matter between the driver and the Council’s Integrated Passenger Transport (IPT) Service. The purpose of the proposed surcharge is to raise the maximum allowable charge in relation to school and social care contracts and to ensure that the driver and the Council have greater freedom to negotiate the value of a contract without potentially falling foul of the laws on overcharging. At present, a driver would technically commit an offence by charging in excess of the metered rates (even if the fare has been agreed with the Council) and therefore the surcharge is considered necessary to protect drivers and to ensure that the Council can continue to deliver its obligations to secure school and social care transport without undue restrictions.


2.9       In accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, the Council must consider the objections and set a date (not later than 28 July 2024) on which the new table of maximum fares shall come into effect.


2.10     Members are therefore asked to consider the objections and to approve the variation to the Council’s table of maximum fares, with or without modification.




3.1       The Council is committed to protecting communities, safeguarding children and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the public.


3.2       A regular review of the table of maximum fares supports economic growth and incentivises work in the hackney carriage industry, which delivers significant public protection benefits.




4.1       The Council is not legally obligated to set the maximum rates of charges. However, the vast majority of licensing authorities do set maximum fares to provide certainty, consistency and, particularly in relation to occasional passengers, protection from unfair or unreasonable charges.


4.2       The Council may consider modifying the proposed table of maximum fares. Any reduction on the proposed fares may impact on the ability of the hackney carriage trade to deliver a vital service whereas any further increase may impact on affordability.




5.1       The Council’s IPT Service is responsible for arranging and managing school and social care transport across North Yorkshire. It is in the public interest to ensure that the table of maximum fares does not adversely affect the Council’s ability to secure transport via hackney carriage services.




6.1       Costs relating to the statutory public notice, consultation and any subsequent meetings are recovered from licence fees charged by the Council and paid by the hackney carriage trade.


6.2       Any increase in fares would have a financial impact on taxi-users throughout North Yorkshire, although drivers may agree to charge a lower amount than the maximum fares at their own discretion.


6.3       Any hackney carriage proprietors wishing to charge fares at the increased rates would incur a small, one-off cost for the meter calibration.




7.1       The legislative framework for setting maximum hackney carriage fares has been explored at paragraph 2.0 of this report.


7.2       Section 9D of the Local Government Act 2000 provides that any function of a local authority which is not specified in the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 is to be the responsibility of an executive of the authority under executive arrangements. The power to fix maximum hackney carriage fares under Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 is not specified in the regulations and is therefore the responsibility of North Yorkshire Council’s Executive in this instance.




8.1       Disability is a protected characteristic within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010. Having due regard to the need to advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not, the Council must endeavour to remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and take steps to meet their needs.


8.2       A balance must be sought to allow hackney carriage drivers to make a reasonable living from their trade whilst also removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by persons who have relevant protected characteristics.


8.3       The table of maximum fares applies equally to all licensed hackney carriage vehicles. Drivers of hackney carriage vehicles are not permitted to make any additional charges for carrying mobility aids or for providing reasonable assistance to disabled passengers.




9.1       Regular reviews of the hackney carriage table of maximum fares ensure that drivers and proprietors are able to plan for future investment in new vehicles, which should mitigate the environmental impact of licensed vehicles in North Yorkshire.




10.1     In its Best Practice Guidance published in November 2023, the Department for Transport recommends that “in reviewing fare rates, authorities should pay particular regard to the needs of the travelling public, with reference both to what it is reasonable to expect people to pay but also to the need to give taxi drivers the ability to earn a sufficient income and so incentivise them to provide a service when it is needed. There is likely to be a case for higher fare tariffs at times of higher demand to encourage more drivers to make themselves available or when the journeys are required at anti-social times”.




11.1     Hackney carriage drivers play a particularly important role in the night-time economy by transporting members of the public home safely late at night. On that basis, it is in the interests of the public to ensure that drivers are fairly rewarded for working during anti-social hours and encouraged to continue providing a vital public service.




12.1     The Council is expected to set and regularly review the maximum fares to be charged by hackney carriage drivers with a view to protecting the public and ensuring that licensees are fairly rewarded for their work.






To approve the variation to the Council’s Hackney Carriage Table of Maximum Fares (with or without modifications) as set out in Appendix C with effect from 01 July 2024.






Appendix A – Current table of maximum fares 

Appendix B – Fare comparison charts

Appendix C – Proposed table of maximum fares

Appendix D – Statutory notice

Appendix E – Objections and responses




Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Best Practice (Department for Transport)


Karl Battersby

Corporate Director of Environment

County Hall


29 May 2024



Report Author:            Simon Fisher, Licensing Service Development Lead; and

Gareth Bentley, Head of Licensing


Presenter of Report:   Simon Fisher, Licensing Service Development Lead; and

Gareth Bentley, Head of Licensing


Note: Members are invited to contact the author in advance of the meeting with any detailed queries or questions.





Tariff 1 (Between 6am and 11pm)


Flag fall for the first 440 yards or part thereof

Drop at 440 yards and every 167.62 yards or part thereof:

Waiting time for each period of 37.36 seconds or part thereof:






Tariff 2 (Between 11pm and 6am & Public holidays*)


Flag fall for the first 440 yards or part thereof

Drop at 440 yards and every 167.62 yards or part thereof:

Waiting time for each period of 37.36 seconds or part thereof:

*All public holidays other than those listed in tariff 3, tariff 2 applies throughout the 24-hour period.





Tariff 3 (Christmas and New Year**)


Flag fall for the first 440 yards or part thereof:

Drop at 440 yards and every 167.62 or part thereof:

Waiting time for each period of 37.36 seconds or part thereof:

**From 18:00 hrs 24th December to 06:00 hrs 27th December and 18:00 hrs 31st December to 06:00 hrs 2nd January.




Fouling charge

Maximum charge:                                                           



Extra charges

Extra charge per head which can be charged for ALL PASSENGERS when carrying 5 or more:



Call out or summoning charge

Maximum additional rate of charge per mile for call outs over 1 mile:

To be used for any part of the district (one way only). This is a maximum rate of charge, the whole or part of which is to be agreed with the hirer as an extra at the time of booking before the hire is accepted or journey commenced and is to be included on the taxi meter as an extra.



STATEMENT OF THE MAXIMUM FARES TO BE DISPLAYED WITHIN THE HACKNEY CARRIAGE in clearly distinguishable letters and figures. The above fares are applicable for all journeys within the Council boundary, if the hiring takes the journey outside the North Yorkshire Council boundary, the driver must charge in line with this table of fares unless the fare has been agreed with the hirer before the journey starts for a greater or lesser amount than that shown on the meter.



A graph with different colored lines  Description automatically generated



Tariff 1 (Between 7am and 10pm)


Flag fall for the first 440 yards or part thereof

Drop at 440 yards and every 158.56 yards or part thereof:

Waiting time for each period of 35.59 seconds or part thereof:






Tariff 2 (Between 10pm and 7am & Public holidays*)


Flag fall for the first 440 yards or part thereof

Drop at 440 yards and every 167.62 yards or part thereof:

Waiting time for each period of 37.36 seconds or part thereof:

*All public holidays other than those listed in tariff 3, tariff 2 applies throughout the 24-hour period.





Tariff 3 (Christmas and New Year**)


Flag fall for the first 440 yards or part thereof:

Drop at 440 yards and every 167.62 or part thereof:

Waiting time for each period of 37.36 seconds or part thereof:

**From 6pm 24th December to 7am 27th December and 6pm 31st December to 7am 2nd January.




Fouling charge

Maximum charge                                                            



Extra charges

Extra charge per head which can be charged for ALL PASSENGERS when carrying 5 or more (only chargeable if agreed at the time of booking)


£2 per person


Call out or summoning charge

Maximum to be added to any journey where the vehicle has been called out or summoned from another location (only chargeable if agreed at the time of booking).


£1.50 per mile


North Yorkshire Council contract surcharge


Maximum surcharge for each hiring under the terms of a contract with North Yorkshire Council.


Maximum surcharge for the provision of each passenger assistant where applicable under the terms of a contract with North Yorkshire Council.










Proposed variations explained


It should be noted that drivers may agree to charge a lower amount than the maximum fares at their own discretion.


Tariff 1

The proposed increase to 158.56 yards (from 167.72 yards) on the running mile and to 35.59 seconds (from 37.36) on waiting times represents a 5% increase in accordance with several requests from the trade. The comparison with neighbouring authority daytime rates, along with the general view from the consultation responses, indicates that there is little need or demand for an increase on the initial £4 charge for the first 440 yards.


Tariff 2

The proposed table of fares makes no provision for an increase on the tariff 2 rates as the comparison charts indicate that night-time fares in North Yorkshire are already among the highest in the region and there was only limited appetite for an increase in this regard during the preliminary consultation. However, the proposal does make provision for a variation to the hours during which tariff 2 rates are in effect. Night-time rates take effect at different hours across the region but applying tariff 2 rates from 10pm to 7am (currently 11pm to 6am) is considered reasonable to ensure that drivers are fairly rewarded for working during anti-social hours and to increase the availability of hackney carriage vehicles at times when other public transport services are limited.


Tariff 3

The proposed table of fares makes no provision for an increase on the tariff 3 rates as the comparison charts indicate that Christmas and New Year fares in North Yorkshire are already among the highest in the region.


Extra charges

The current maximum surcharge of £1.50 per person for the carriage of five or more passengers is not considered sufficient to cover the additional costs associated with operating larger vehicles. However, the preliminary consultation indicated that this charge may be applied both to the detriment and to the surprise of passengers. In order to ensure that passengers are given advance notice of the potential cost, it seems reasonable for the Council to require that such a surcharge may only be applied where it is agreed between the driver and the hirer prior to the commencement of the journey. This ensures that passengers will have an opportunity to either negotiate with the driver or book two smaller vehicles separately in instances where it would be in their interests. An increase from a maximum of £1.50 per person to £2 per person seems reasonable provided such an agreement can be reached.


Call out or summoning charges

The current maximum call-out charge of £1 per mile is not considered sufficient to attract hackney carriage drivers to travel to some of the more rural areas of North Yorkshire on demand and therefore an increase to £1.50 per mile may be necessary to further encourage the provision of services. As this charge may only be applied where it is agreed between the driver and the hirer prior to the commencement of the journey, an increase would only impact on passengers who make such an agreement.


North Yorkshire Council contract surcharge

At present, a licensed driver would technically commit an offence by charging in excess of the metered rates (even if the fare has been agreed with the Council) but it is acknowledged that significantly higher costs are often incurred in the delivery of school and social care contracts. A new surcharge of up to £50 (plus a further £50 per passenger assistant where applicable) per journey under the terms of a contract with North Yorkshire Council is therefore considered necessary to protect drivers and to ensure that the Council can continue to deliver its obligations to secure school and social care transport without undue restrictions. A surcharge of this nature would not in any way place obligations on the Council’s Integrated Passenger Transport Service to make the maximum payment but it would allow for all parties to engage in contractual arrangements with the necessary freedom in terms of costing. The Council’s tendering process would continue to ensure that value for money is achieved in this regard.





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that North Yorkshire Council, in accordance with section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, proposes to vary the maximum fares that can be charged in respect of the hire of a hackney carriage vehicle. The proposed table of fares is:



From 7am to 10pm



For the first 440 yards or part thereof

At 440 yards and every additional 158.56 yards or part thereof

Waiting time for each period of 35.59 seconds or part thereof








From 10pm to 7am; and

All day on any public holiday


For the first 440 yards or part thereof

At 440 yards and every additional 167.62 yards or part thereof

Waiting time for each period of 37.36 seconds or part thereof








Christmas (from 6pm 24th December to 7am 27th December); and

New Year (from 6pm 31st December to 7am 2nd January)


For the first 440 yards or part thereof

At 440 yards and every additional 167.62 yards or part thereof

Waiting time for each period of 37.36 seconds or part thereof









Fouling charge

To cover costs of cleaning etc


£100 maximum

Carrying 5+ passengers

Chargeable for ALL PASSENGERS when carrying 5 or more (only chargeable if agreed at the time of booking)


£2 per person

Call out or summoning charge

Surcharge where the vehicle has been called out or summoned from another location

(only chargeable if agreed at the time of booking)


£1.50 per full mile

North Yorkshire Council contract surcharge

Maximum surcharge for each hiring under the terms of a contract with North Yorkshire Council.


Maximum surcharge for the provision of each passenger assistant where applicable under the terms of a contract with North Yorkshire Council.






A copy of this notice can be viewed at the Council offices during normal working hours and any objections should be made in writing to or North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, DL7 8AD by no later than 28 May 2024.






it looks like you have reduced tariff 1 from 167.62 yards to158.56 this is not a 5% increase.

would like tarff1 to start at £5 as through the day we dont even make minimum wage at times.

tariff 2 happy

xmas tariff happy ish



Instead of putting the taxi fares up why don’t Yorkshire County Council cut the cost of the taxi drivers paying for licenses and so on a lot of our customers in Harrogate elderly and pensioners who have to go to hospital will you please stop raising the Taxi fairs and take a cut the  licenses Charge



Yes to all above as we need a pay rise.



Can we just leave it as it is



I'm Hackney carriage driver in skipton i object about increase taxi fares. We lost already 90% work in skipton because of high taxis fare we already struggling with work because bradford, leeds, halifax private hire taxis and uber working in skipton on low fares and flagging jobs in town. I think North yorkshire Council should think about this what are they gaining when other councils private hire working skipton we happy to reduce fare rather than increasing fare. North yorkshire council should step in and safe North yorkshire taxis drivers jobs. Council should decrease taxi fares and tariff 2 should start 00:00 midnight. Thanks



I object to the  new upcoming taxi fares and the council should take action about the uber and other taxis coming to skipton. I want tariff 2 to be starting 12 midnight instead of 11 pm We want tariff 2 prices decreased rather than increase



I agree with the increases except changing the tariff 2 to time and a half after 10pm. I believe this will be counterproductive as it may encourage Uber vehicles to increase their presence in our area.



I disagree with a 5% fare increase, simply because of few things- 1. We musn't forget that cost of living is high for everyone including our customers. 2. Competion from ilegal competitors who are coming from outside Harrogate like Uber, Arrow, Fussion, Veezue and many more. These companies they don't have licence to operate in northyorkshire. They just come into Harrogate for touting. We did raise this issue with the council nothing has been done about it. So my opinion to the fare increase is a no. I'm happy with the current one. Even with the current one we have lost customers to the above mentioned companies since they are licencing in Westyorkshire their rate is even cheaper than ours. So for me insteady of increase the fare its better to reduce the current one to the old one or freeze the current one.



I wish to object to the proposed tariff increase as passed by the executive committee. I find it totally unreasonable for the council not to increase the running mile and waiting time by the equivalent of 5% on tariffs 2 and 3. Many drivers only work nights, and are subject to both unsocial hours and difficult passengers, under the influence of drink and drugs. These drivers are also subject to the massive increases we are all experiencing in mortgage rates and the cost of living, as well as the huge increases we are facing to run our vehicles and businesses, so to deny them the increase needed, is appalling and insensitive. At the executive meeting  Councillor White compared us to other areas on Teeside and West Yorkshire, areas that are not only much cheaper to live in, but other areas also have additional tariffs that we do not have, ie, extra charge for luggage and if there is more than one passenger. I therefore ask you to reconsider your decision and increase tariffs 2 and 3 by the same rate as tariff 1. Thank you.



Hello Licensing, thank you for your email and thank you for letting us know about the new proposal of taxi fare. As a taxi driver I would like to make a few reservations regarding the new proposal.

1. An increase of any kind is highly unlikely acceptable as the current fare is already the maximum common people can afford.

2. Changing the tariff 2 timings from 11pm to 10pm is again highly unlikely acceptable as the current taxi fare tariff is too much for common people to afford. The current tariff has already put so much pressure on the taxi business that we taxi drivers are experiencing every week the downfall of the business using our services.

As a suggestion, I would recommend lowering the starting fares for first 440 yards from £4.00 to £3.50 for Tariff 1, £6.00 to £5.25 for tariff 2 and increasing the running mile charges from 20p to 25p for tariff 1 and 30p to 35p for tariff 2. This will encourage people to use taxis more. I can understand, it is the maximum taxi fare we can charge and we can charge lower than the maximum fare we wish to but that will create some problems for the drivers. For instance, Driver A charges a customer from A to B and gives a £2.00 discount to him/her but next time the same customer will expect the same type of discount from the other driver but may be for the other driver it is not possible to give such discount. That will create disruption and will put drivers in a difficult position especially in the night time when most people are drunk and such situations will create dangerous situations for drivers. I would like the taxi licensing team to reconsider the proposal. I shall be very grateful for your reconsideration.



Regarding the fare increase it baffles me why you have to advertise it to the public as to what they think.they arnt the ones having to work 80+hours per week to provide for there family's,we work unsociable hours putting up with all kinds of abuse, whilst  most people work 40 hours per week and get to enjoy time with their family's. As for the call out charge of £1 per mile it's ridiculous a ten mile journey after 11pm should be £36,currently if I did a job from hinderwell 9 miles out of town to staithes 10 miles away we can only charge £18. No good for drivers I'm turning these jobs away on a regular basis and customers in the country are getting penalised.



We strongly object to contract pricing being included in a tariff as there is no legal precedent for this, when a contract is quoted for the pricing is not merely for the run, the pricing includes staff admin times , time taken to produce risk assessments and procurement , tendering times , admin to pay staff wages , holiday pay,  sick pay ,minimum wage rises , pension costs increases , fuel cost and insurance cost increases and cost of living rising , inflation , cover pay, licensing costs and various other overheads and how a wage for a passenger assistant can be included on a taxi tariff is beyond me. This is a matter between a company and their employees what wage they choose to pay for a job which is very difficult to recruit for as it is only 39 weeks of the year and can be terminated with no notice if a child moves house etc and notice pay then has to be paid also. If you choose to pursue this as a matter for a tariff then we will have no option but to take legal advice on this matter, this is using one council dept to influence another. Taxi licensing should not be used as a way to affect passenger transport pricing this should be purely down to each company tendering using their own commercial pricing structure and the council to award on the basis of all parameters being met and cost and is not for taxi licensing in North Yorkshire to decide. If a vehicle tenders for contracts from outside North Yorkshire area then these restriction's unfairly impacts on a North Yorkshire licensed vehicle. Contract pricing has no place in a hackney carriage tariff and never should have this leads down a path where the council set pricing for contracts and leads to less operators being financially viable. We also strongly object to only 5 percent per measured mile in the Ryedale Zone , we have run at £2.00 per measured mile now for 3 years and have weathered the cost of living crisis and we feel a 10 percent rise on the measured mile and nothing or even a drop on the flag-fall to £3.60 would be a fairer pricing structure. We have previously stated a low flag-fall distance and high price mainly impacts the most vulnerable in society and feel the cost should be born more evenly over longer journeys. We also feel that call out mileage should be £2 per mile as less than this realistically means a driver running at a loss on those jobs in more rural isolated areas which again means less taxi's willing to undertake those journeys.



The only thing I strongly disagree with is the £2 per person, it needs to be for any passengers over 4, not for all passengers. It would mean a £20 pull off charge for 8 passengers, this makes it cheaper to get two cars!!



It's completely and utterly ridiculous 10pm tariff 2. Also ridiculous is tariff 1. Tariff 1 starting at £4 meaning a high majority of fares in scarborough are the cheapest around quite considerably.  Tell me please the average minimum fare for PH in each district? Your killing nightlife economy already with tariff 2 yet bring it forward a hour, even more people ignoring HC and phoning private hire. Cheers to another nail in the HC coffin.



I must say I’m totally against lengthening the hours of the rate on an evening/ morning in other occupations night shift rates generally run if at all now with zero hours contracts 23:00hrs until 06:00 so bringing in the new rate at 22:00 until 07:00 could and indeed remove the facility of having a taxi to or from work as a safety aspect especially for females in winter periods. Also I believe that this will encourage the use of App based companies this making the use of local based companies and also privateers too expensive against out of town intruders. I look forward to the results from this consultation but don’t hold much hope to you reversing your decision



Please accept this as my reply as an objection (of sorts) to the new new tariffs that your are proposing. First and foremost,  this will kill our already dwindling business. I already believe that the pricing structure is already OTT. If you saw the difference in my telephone call register pre Xmas 2022 and now you would understand the issue. My late evening bookings after 1800 are now almost non existent Mon-Fri and there's little or no work on the Selby taxi rank mid week. We are seeing a Huge UBER presence in Selby now, and these are NOT delivering pizzas, that I can guarantee you. And they are not breaking the law either as they are sitting up near wishing well or 3 lakes waiting for an online app booking. To increase the tariffs as suggested will almost finish what little business is left in Selby. My proposal to you is this.

T1 remains the same,  this has always been a good price even before NYC came into action as a super council. This was originally Selby T2.

T2 needs to be reduced and I propose £2.50 a mile with a £5 flag and totally agree that 2200-0700 is a good running time change.

T3 Xmas and New year should ne double T1

T4 Xmas and New year should be double T2

T5 needs to be a proper minibus rate. 5-8 passengers and I propose £3.20 per mile with a £6 flag. Currently the minibus rates are more expensive for a local(less than 3 mile journey) than getting 2 standard cars. I hope that this reads correctly, I would also like to be considered to sit in on this consultation meeting as and when it happens as I'm under the impression there isn't any drivers in the consult team. We then also have the meter calibration costs to consider.



I believe that a rise in tariff will result in a loss of business. Tariff 2 if already far too high and has resulted in people either walking home or using out of town companies such as Uber. I do agree with Tariff 2 starting at 2200 but do not feel it should run until 0700 and should remain at 0600. Tariff 2 needs to be lower. Possibly a 25% uplift on Tariff 1 as opposed to 50%. The 5+ passengers at £1.50 is ridiculous enough as a fare from Selby - Brayton costs more in an 8- seater than it does in 2 cars. Larger vehicles need their own Tariff. Possibly what Tariff 2 is now. In conclusion I believe there should be 4 Tariffs:

Tariff 1 - Stays the same as now

Tariff 2 - 2200 - 0600 = Tariff 1 + 25%

Tariff 3 - 5+ Passengers = Tariff 1 + 50%

Tariff 4 - Stays the same as now



Please accept this as my reply as an objection to the new new tariffs that your are proposing. First and foremost, this will kill our already dwindling business. I already believe that the pricing structure is already to high. To increase the tariffs as suggested at such a time with so many suffering financialy will almost finish what little business there is. I strongly encourage you to keep the taxi tariffs as they are.



I urge you to withdraw these new increases and not put up or alter any fares for the following My town of Harrogate is swamped with Ubers from out of North Yorkshire. They undercut our fares and are taking over. More and more appear daily. Please councillor go out with a council worker and they will show you how bad this is. Adding to the above I know there are the maximum charges and we can charge less but almost all drivers don't so the general look to the public is the Council charge is the fare. All the publicity you have just done about the fare increases has been read by the public so I guess that's a lot more customers lost to Uber that yiu should hold yourselfs responsible for. I know Uber can work in out town even though they are not licensed but I would have hoped that the council would try to work with drivers meaning that they should be helping to keep the business to local licensed drivers. You say that changes to tariff 2 is to get more drivers to work these hours. Again please go out with a Council worker. Taxis are parked all over town on a night. They cannot fit on all the taxi ranks so sometimes there can be as many as 20 taxis parked behind the ranks in disabled space. There is no shortage or drivers at any time of day or night. Please go and have a look for yourselves. Putting fares or changing times up on a night is stopping people that yiu are trying to protect getting a taxi like young drunk people and those with needs as they cannot afford the fares. I take regularly disabled customers and have to cut my rates as they cannot afford the fares now. Putting up daytime rates is pricing the more needy and vunerable out of getting a taxi. They are usually on benefits so cannot afford to get a taxi anymore. Buses are no use as they don't go door to door. I put in on your shoulders to accept this responsibility for them not been able to afford taxis as you are elected by us. You again losing is customers. i also disagree with the £50 for school trips. I have a school run every day but my school run is not for a vulnerable kid so I can only charge the max,imum rates on the meter. Adding this £50 is discriminateing against me and many other drivers like me. We are currently waiting the advice of our solicitor as to how to take this forwards but this is definitely an act of discrimination.  Just cos North Yorkshire needs divers they shouldn't be allowed to charge more or more than the meter says. Further to the point above at the school I go to it is only Harrogate taxis that turn up. All the other cars from other areas are private hire. Do you want me to tell you why this is well I will tell you. Until North Yorkshire started last year all these jobs were carried out by Harrogate private hire but then anyone was aloud a hackney plate so all the private hire changed to hackney. From the numbers on cars I bet there are 100 that have done this. Well these drivers should be made to change back to private hire if the want the school contact work from the Council then there would be no problem. The council is responsible for this problem by letting them change from private hire to hackney. Now you are making a change to the fares to allow them to change above the meter. Why don't they get told either charge the meter fare if you want a hackney and do school work or change to private hire. YOUR actions have created this situation. There are the same number of cars to do this work no matter what do so you need to make right your misatake and make them Change back to private hire.



I would like to object to the proposed tariff, due to the extra fees, inflation and cost of living I think it’s very unfair to the drivers not having the running mile increased especailly on tariff 2 and 3. We have to put up with drunk, rude obnoxious members of the public who have no filter after being on a night out, some soiling our vehicles. Not increasing this will deter more drivers from not working in the night time hours where the demand for taxis is higher. Christmas and new year is where all families get together and drivers who are not spending time with their families to help others  should be compensated for this. £100 soiling fee doesn’t even cover the cleaning of the vehicle not including loss of work for at least 48 hours for cleaning and drying. Comparing us to other areas that was said in the meeting is also unfair as we are a lot more rural, our costs are a lot higher that areas mentioned compared ie cost of living and also they have add ons for more than one person and luggage. Also on the school transport I don’t understand on a tariff on passenger assistants to a limit of £50, there are so many circumstances to why they are paid differently and employers pay to the level of requirements for the child. Some are very absusive, lash out and problematic so each pa is paid accordingly to this and time of travel. I personally think trying to employ a pa on min wage for this sort of travel will become very difficult. Also please can it be more explained on the £50 Surcharge on a school contract. As it isn’t made clear the majority of contracts are that  we are hired twice daily is it  £50 per journey or £50 per day



The 10pm night tariff time, is this needed ? or needed this early. I have never seen a shortage of taxis at 10pm. Also no other late night/hospitality business rewards for working past 2200hrs. Additionally is there a need to add an extra incentive for drivers to work on an evening? Is this largely not the most profitable period and thus encourages drivers to work late at night? Maybe this time is only needed Sunday-Thursday? I can see how dealing with drunk customers could be challenging and possible should be rewarded but not so early in to the evening. If it must be included it would be fairer to be  2300 or 2330hrs.  2200hrs would penalise the likely less problematic customers who enjoy the earlier night time economy and go home early with no real challenge to the trade.  In a similar vain i dont understand why with the exception of New years and Christmas why Bank holidays would get a premium charge. Again this is uncommon in the night time economy. Surly the demand of service at this time easily encourages drivers to work and thus is the incentive to work. Ranks would not be empty on a bank holiday if this charge was excluded. In looking at the table of fares. There seems to be no evidence to suggest how much it costs to operate a taxi and how much they should reasonable  earn. I accept the trade should be able to make a reasonable living and thus be fair for the trade so I understand using a percentage increase however the rate still goes above the rate of inflation for the past 12 months.  Therefore customers are been penalised unfairly . On face value the fares seem excessive and unfair and would personally stop my use of taxis.  For comparison a 5 mile journey with private hire in the local area is approx. £8 however for that same drive in a hackney under this table of fares, I would be charged £14.50 if I got the vehicle at a rank or £22 if they drove to me with the call out charge. I note the fares are maximum but drivers obviously just charge the maximum, as they have done for the last 12 months. Why wouldn’t drivers try and fleece customers? Drivers do  not negotiate fares and blame the council saying they have to charge that rate otherwise they get in trouble. I fear in the end market forces will sort the issue out. Lastly I accept why the fares are done in yards etc but it would be helpful to get a breakdown of costs in real terms ie for a 5/10/15 mile journey to save time working it out. thank you for allowing me to respond to the consultation.



I am against the increase of fares. As the last fare increase has made a detrimental effect. Work has took a nose dive. With the Cost of living the customers cannot afford to pay more. Customers are using app based taxis which are cheaper and turning away from Hackney. In my opinion tariff 1 should be used day and night.



Please I want tariff 1 24/7 including bank holidays Christmas we have lost business since last year Uber took 70 percentage our work every day Uber taking our business because they are half the price People shop around please take this very seriously



I am told that taxi fare might be going up. This is disgusting. I travel in  uk and rarely do I get ripped off more than taxis here price wise and now it's going to  get worse. They are so expensive. I am on disability benefits and I fear that this will put an end to me using taxis. I can't be the only one either. The Council has priced them out of the market so I think I will start using the Ubers that I see around. I can mange in a normal car but really need a wheelchair one. There are hardly any of these and now I will have to make sure my nights out are over by 10 as I certainly can't afford time and a half. Thanks north yourksire council for helping the  vulnerable, needy, poor and disabled residents by doing this and stopping us using taxis. Intake it you'll still be able to afford taxis with all your wages and allowances. Some of us cant  as we cant work.



I am writing to inform you I am not happy with the new, fare increase and therefore if you can please leave them as they are.



As  a driver I want to add this gonna impact our customers to afford taxi but if tariff 2 start 10pm as every other council does that will be good.



Thankyou for bringing this to our attention , unfortunately it seems that Richmond Hackney carriage drivers have not been informed of another tarrif change . It seems we have been excluded after speaking to many drivers no one was aware of this , yet in other areas such as Harrogate Ripon were aware , Could you please explain why Richmond drivers have not been consulted on this matter . As the other six council districts seem to have been included. I am also aware that this has been posted on Richmond Today , Hambleton Today , National Private Hire , and other areas, I must say that having read on several media sites that have posted this , on the comment that a local Councillor from Richmond  had said that public should be made aware that the fares are a maximum fare and that it doesn't need to be charged, as a lesser fare can be charged is outrageous , We goto work to earn a living not to be told to reduce our prices , confrontation from the public is going to happen and they will just refuse to pay the fare that is set infront of them ,which in turn will make many drivers  vulnerable , which drivers will not work evenings. This is clearly showing that there is No Duty Of Care to drivers and proprietors and their safety. Also reading on about the tarrif change , it is clear that Easter Sunday is not classed as a Bank Holiday when clearly is a Christian Sabbath.



1st, why did third party’s find out about this tariff increase before the trade in Richmondshire (we were not informed until the 13 May 2024, whilst Richmond Today was already putting out comments from the public ).2nd, we still if i am not mistaken celebrate two sabbaths in this country Christmas Day, Easter Sunday which you clearly forgot about this year. and also this years tariff again does not recognise the sabbath and presumably the following years to come but considering council workers don’t work on Sundays at all why would they give a dam about anybody else giving up their time and family life to provide the public with a service on a bank holiday for no extra pay. This is still a Christian country to my understanding. 3rd,Coucillors should take more care when passing comments which can put drivers health and safety at risk especially if it was on evening shifts as the council has already made it quite clear that they don’t have any duty of care to any licensed drivers, it only has a duty of care to the public when it suits them.that is my only concerns as to comment further on your consultation would only fall on deaf ears as you never listen to the trade you only seem to listen to people who don’t sit in the front seat of the taxis everybody likes to tell the drivers how to do their jobs however not one of them would be brave enough to actually do the job.



I suggest the current tariff 1 use all the time even public holiday and Xmas and new year eve new year day.



I would like to object to any proposed increase in the fares currently charged under North Yorkshire licencing.

I feel the current fares are more than enough. Since the last increase there has been a marked decrease in the number of people using taxis.

On top of that the bus fares been frozen at £2.00 has also had a marked influence on our dying trade.

I would also like to object to comment made by Councillor XXXXXX who said "The fares set are the maximum price that you can be charged". I find this an irresponsible comment as this could and will cause problems when dealing with drunk or difficult customers. I would have thought he would know better as he use to be a taxi driver, and had several incidents whilst working late at night.

His comment makes taxi Drivers seem like greedy and money grabbing, as the majority of the public do not realise the costs involved in maintaining a hackney vehicle.